Monday, October 19, 2009

Daddy... you are always the best......

I have been feeling really down lately but perhaps now I think I've gotten through most of it. If some may have noticed, I have deleted a few of my blog postings which I think were a bit inappropriate after an after thought. Sorry for those who felt insulted by any of my writings. I am moody after all.

Today is a start of a new week and I'm trudging every day as it goes. So many unresolved issues related to my business actually driving me up the wall. My recent frustration actually jacked up my stress level to the max. Its not easy, being me, but I know I'll pull through, God promised that, and I believe it.

So today I suddenly had the urge to have coffee with my dad. I missed him actually, its been two weeks since our last encounter. It started as our usual meetings where I would brief the company's progress, since he is after all the current chairman. I told him about my intention of adding an investor partner to hold maximum 20% to allow more room for enhancement. He agreed but strictly reminding me not to be conned again by lame promises. I just smiled. He worries about me constantly. Then we moved on to other dealings of business. And then finally to more personal topics.

WE talked about my youngest sister and I apologized to him for making him having to send her all the way to Malacca the last time. He said it was okay, but she did cross the line so she understood. He worries about my health, but if happy that I shed of a few pounds. "You look better now, except those eye bags. Do get more rest".

I asked him whether he knew about my personal frustrations. Well obviously, since my sister tells him everything. "I won't ask you about your personal relationships Adik. I know about what happened, but you're a big girl. You know how to handle it. Its normal to be sad, its human nature, but after awhile you'll be okay. Its just that I don't like people treating my daughter that way. You deserve better. Besides, you have more important things to think about. Focus on stabilizing your business." Well, its nice to hear kind words from my dad. I guess I needed to hear it from him too. I just told him that if God wills it to be then it will be, if not, then I'll just have to wait for another. Besides, if a guy can't realize how good I am for him, perhaps he is not meant for me after all.

I promised myself long ago that I will not let any man bring me down. I also have a deal with my dad that if any serious suitors come around, they'll have to be interviewed and grilled by him first before anything. Oh well, its a long way to go.

Right now I have a renewed confidence of getting my company into full throttle. Hopefully tomorrow harbours a better outcome to the question sin my head. Amen.

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