Tuesday, October 27, 2009

2 weeks to go......

Its another hectic week in the clinic as we race towards hitting our sales target. I think I've gotten most of myself back. Juggling between clinic work and my side jobs, business networking negotiations and my kids it looks like I have a lot on my plate already.

I received a call yesterday asking my confirmation to join the relief mission in Padang. There was still a lot of things to do to help the injured and sooth the people after the earth quake. I have postponed the trip to the very last mission, so I guess I'll be packing my bags and going on the 14th till 21st. No, its not because I was frustrated that I signed up for a relief mission - I may be a drama queen at times, but even that sounds too dramatic for me. I have been with this organization since my houseman days, contributing my knowledge, energy and time because initially there were too few doctors on board. Everyone was too excited to join MERCY. I decided to go with the smaller fish and contribute more. It was more fulfilling. Yes, maybe we lack the glamour, but humanitarian work is not about being in the spotlight. Its more of helping people in need. And being a doctor, I believe that my services are not just for what I do in the day to day basis, but also in times of emergency like this. Although this is the first time I am able to join oversea expedites. Previously I was either strung with calls or was in no shape to travel due to child birth and lactating. I just pray that there will be no more earth quakes, especially when I am there. It would be a disaster to be stranded in another country with natural disasters around you. Perhaps tomorrow is a test of my knowledge since I'll be taking care of Al-Islam ED for one day for Dr Azwan. I wonder how he is faring in Padang?

To all my friends, pray for my safety and my return. To anyone that I wronged or may have harboured any ill feelings towards me due to any of my words or actions, forgive me, in case I don't come back. I'm putting my faith in God to guide me while I am there. I will definitely miss my two angels and will definitely try to return safely as I went.

I have yet to break the news to my dad. I did hinted once, he was quite reluctant. Well, hopefully I get my blackberry before I go. Then at least he can text me everyday if he worries.

Just another 2 weeks and I'll be on a plane to Padang where a natural disaster has just occurred. I guess its worst than going for Haj or Umrah, I'll be exposed to a million and one types of illness and diseases, which I pray I have enough strength to overcome. Luckily lodging and food is provided but being a person with a fairly sensitive stomach I better get my own medic kit ready before I go.

Its late, I have to go home already. Praying for a better tomorrow. I guess nowadays that is what I spend most of my free time with. Praying to God to heal my heart, praying to God to guide me, praying to God to give me strength to solve my problems, and praying to God to remain as one of his loyal subjects.

Oh.. I need to contact my insurance agent before I go... just in case.

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