Thursday, November 5, 2009

Purely fiction.......

It was raining again. "Oh damn, I forgot my umbrella again..." Amy muttered to herself. Looks like another long day at the book store, she mused. She was a regular there, always looking for a new book to read. It was a past time that she found miraculously relieving compared to her day to day work at the university.

Running her fingers through the volumes of books on psychology, she glanced up to see a nice leather bound book on the top most shelf that caught her eye. "Ah, that looks interesting'" she muttered to herself. She tiptoes carefully to reach for the book but it was simply out of her reach. "Why am I so short....?,"she muttered under her breath.

"Need help?," Amy was startled. She spun round, almost hitting the tall lanky guy almost right behind her. "Err... sure," she replied bashfully. He was quite a tall guy, a head and shoulders above Amy's modest 5 feet 4 inches. He grinned at Amy as he passed her the book. "Hi, I'm Richard," he said.

Amy thanked him for the book. "Thanks, I guess I need more than 3 inch heels," she grinned. Idiot... is that all I could think of to say? she thought to herself.

"Well, I better be off now. Rain stopped," He pointed to the shop window. "Nice to meet you."

And then he left. Anonymous Mr Richard. Amy watched as he walked out of the store. He wasn't extremely handsome but there was this charming attraction about him and his boyish smile. And that British accent, oh my. Amy was smitten. Who was this stranger in the bookstore, she wondered. Amy muttered a goodbye and managed a bleak smile. Silently she cursed herself for only able to utter few monosyllables around Mr Richard.

To be continued.....


HaZe said...

This richard guy sounds abit like a trainer i had back in HSBC... even the name's the same! Only differene is, the guy's abit of a shorty... hehe :)

Manja M said...

Like I said...
Purely fiction... too much coffee made my brain shoot too many neurons at the same time... haha