Friday, November 6, 2009

7 days to go.......

Time flies when you are busy..... its now another 7 days till my departure to Padang as a volunteer for the relief mission. I am still waiting for the confirmed tickets which should be in my hands by next week - they already have my scanned passport and brief profile. Its a mixed feeling of excitement and anticipation coupled with fear of the unknown. Furthermore, up to date, I am still the only doctor for the 7th group, or is it the 8th? I've been delaying my participation as long as I could. To many issues with the Company that needed to be dealt with.

I guess anyone going through the things I am going through would be half crazy by now. I could just pray and keep my thoughts positive. Everything happens for a reason, God will help me get through what I need to get through. And I still believe there are good souls out there that would be able to help a hardworking girl like me. Allah is fair, and he promises success to those who work hard to earn it in patience.

7 days in a foreign country, 7 days with strangers. It would be fun, definitely. My only concern is that a second wave of natural disaster to occur which would be too devastating. Let's pray it won't happen. I need to come back in one piece. Too many people depending on my safe return.

Why send myself to a post natural disaster location when I could well go holiday anywhere else in the world? Bali is just a few hours away. Its God's decision actually. I asked for a holiday - and suddenly these MRA people kept calling me asking me to go to Padang. Initially on the 17th, but I postponed to 31st and now 14th. It would be good to aid people who would need all the help they could get. I've even planned to bring some of my children's old clothes to give to the poor kids who are all muddy. Just hope it fits well in my luggage. Maybe I should put them in a separate box so that I can come home lighter. I'll figure out something. Maybe bring some toys too.

I guess it is a good lesson on humility. Going to a place of disaster, offering help to the victims - I will be stripped of all my fancy clothes and make up, my daily freshly brewed latte, and my upmarket office in the middle of a prestigious shopping mall and my high profile clients that I get to address by first name. Instead, I'll be going just as myself - a simple young doctor on a relief mission. Not as an upmarket aesthetic laser specialist.

As to date, the team will consist of one doctor which is me, 2 senior nurses and 2 paramedics. According to hospital hierarchy automatically I will be assigned as the team leader. Unless a more senior doctor joins the team then I can pass the baton to the person. Wish me luck......