Monday, November 30, 2009

Its December....

Its the first day of December, how fast time flies. I feel like it was just yesterday we celebrated new year and I was all geared up with the challenge of making my clinic a success. At that time, I never thought that things could go as haywire as it did, I was confident because I had a strong investor partner at hand - or so I thought. Unfortunately, men lie, and so I was left to continue my journey alone. It was a great eye opener to me, that I have to learn to stand on my own feet. Many people tell me to give up, and rejoin hospital services since I was so good at it before. But what they don't understand is the passion.

How can I let my life's passion slip out of my way without trying my best? I certainly cannot. Although I am having trouble getting financing from banks and other institutions because my company is still new, I still believe there will be a good samaritan that will be willing to get me back up on my feet, because I know with all my heart, investing with me is never a bad decision to make, and I am confident I can pull through very well. I just need a little bit of help in the beginning just to get the ball rolling. Is it too much to ask?

Someone asked me recently, what would I do if I don't get the proper funding? Well, I said I don't want to put my perspectives that way, but if it were to come to that, then let's pray that God would send someone to help pull myself together because it'll be really bad if I ever reach to that level of depression ever. But I know I'll be okay, because I have God on my side, and I believe his promises. Besides, I will be of no good to anybody if I did not succeed. Stabilizing my business means I can afford time away to do my humanitarian work where they really need dedicated doctors. It also means I can help out my colleagues when they need to find a stand in when they are on holiday. Stabilizing my business would also allow time for me to work on other projects such as my obesity campaign, young adults retraining and a lot of things. I can contribute so much to the society if I settle that one and only problem, not before.

In some instances, I do feel frustrated with how people play around with my time and at the end of it results in nothing. But I sincerely believe, God has good plans for me and that the right funder will come to help me. 2009 has been a year of suffering, but I learnt a lot from it too. Just need to have a little bit more patience and everything will start to move into place. Amen.+

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