Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Times like this.......

Times like this I just feel like I want to disappear into a remote island and lay low for a couple of months. Times like this I wish I had a rich sugar daddy to cover my needs. Times like this I feel like I want to pack my bags and go anywhere besides here. Times like this, even sleep is too much pleasure. Times like this I just want someone to hold me and tell me things are going to be okay.

Call it breaking under pressure, I would say its just a minor crack. But the level of my stress endurance is way above the average person. Perhaps which is why I landed this job in the first place. I'm just praying that things would turn out alright.

Patience is not without limitations. Courage is not without fear. Love is not without sacrifices..... though maybe now I am sacrificing a life without love. My Libra instincts going haywire..... but that's just me. I know it, God knows it too.

Watching my little girl sleep, how I wish I didn't have to get out of bed today. Her serene face and pretty curly hair, her little fingers and small breaths. She is so beautiful, all children are beautiful. A guilty pang hits my heart as I smoothed her hair. I have been way past busy lately, and she is starting to miss me. Unconditional love - so pure, so simple, so easy.

If only I could learn to love God that way, perhaps my life would be happier.

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