Monday, April 20, 2009

I'm upset and it takes more than ice cream to get over it...

The best way when you know you are an extreme emotional being is to admit the emotion and try to accept that its a normal part of life. Not easy, but I'll survive. I've tried sleeping, spa, watching movie at a cinema, binge on food but I'm still upset and its not a nice feeling, especially when I do not have time to be upset.

But its something that only I myself can get over and there are times when I just feel so depressed that even the weather starts to rain. I just hope this feeling goes away fast. I don't really eat, I sleep most of the time, I have no mood to do anything, and I barely even answer my phone. Or maybe I'm just exhausted with all and everything happening around me. I dunno.

Even to write my blog seems a horrible task. I think I'll try sleeping, maybe that'll help.

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