Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hectic life....

I've been receiving a lot of calls lately from friends and relatives. Some just wanted to say Hi, some had issues to discuss. Even my dad called me to see whether I was okay, which was quite weird considering I live not 40km away. Well perhaps it was because I forgot to pay homage to him last week made him so concern. My brother dropped by on the way home to send a few stuff and he asked whether was I well because I looked a bit under the weather, and my sister called concerned why I was so quiet.

I guess I just wanted some time alone because of all the madness going around. It was tiring, plus I have a full time job as my kid's guardian so it wasn't easy. Many a times I find myself lie awake on my bed despite laying there for hours unable to sleep and last night was such a night. When my baby girl woke up at 6.30 made it more impossible to sleep because she wanted to play. I guess she misses me a lot. I have been very busy lately. Even I miss her so much sometimes that I just come home from work, just to sleep and hug her before going off again. My poor baby. But its for our future, so I need to work hard.

My sister was berating me about men and dating. Well, she kept saying I was lonely which is why I needed a man. Perhaps I am lonely. You can't really talk to a 3 year old, they don't have enough attention span to listen to conversation, plus they don't reply much either because of limited vocab, and also the limitations of the innocent mind. Yes, I do have girlfriends but they either have a husband or at least a boyfriend which they spend most of their time with.

So I succumb myself into work and my studies. Luckily it is something I truly enjoy. But to the expense of my social life because day by day, I am turning into a workaholic. To the point that I think if I continue like this for the next 3-4 years, I would have no social life, I wouldn't care anymore and perhaps by then after achieving everything I want in this life, it wouldn't really matter if I was alone or not.

Okie... that's exaggerating.... God is fair. He will guide me to what is best for me. Maybe what I need is some distraction. Hmm... salsa classes sound interesting...

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