Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Wisdom of elders.....

I guess I've always been the rebellious one in the family. Perhaps its middle child syndrome, perhaps its just me. My mum use to say I was not afraid of anything,but as years passed, life without her has taught me to fear quite a number of things.

I guess I have a history of disobedience which started during my teen years. Trying to accept my mum being bed ridden with the knowledge of losing her for good, plus the fact that my dad was introducing a new extension of the family completely tipped the scales from a highly obedient daughter to an extreme rebel.

But that was the past. Now nearing the third decade of my life, I have managed to fix severed ties in the family that I guess my mum would be proud of if she could just see me. Today, I had lunch with my dad again. A few exchanges of word, nagging as usual, and a comment or two of what I should do with my life. I remembered a year ago he came by the house for breakfast and commented on how short my shorts were too short, and I scoffed saying that , hey dad, my house is a no-man's land, but he insisted that I put on something longer. Now after a year, I guess he was right, they are a bit too short. Have to give it to the old man, sometimes he is right.

His current advice for me is to stay single and concentrate on my current businesses. Well I have been completely single for the past 8 months except for a few dates or two. So I guess, in a way, I am being obedient. Hey dad, you can't complain.

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