Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Some people just don't get it.....

This entry is dedicated to my ex-husband, who after so many years still harasses me, still disturbs me and still does not understand that what he is doing is detrimental even for himself. I am tired of being a nice girl, and giving your way all the time, and I would like to write this one last time so that you and whoever supporting you would understand that I do not give up easily. I am no longer that lady who was married to you before, I have completely changed, or rather, I finally became myself.

You have angered me beyond words, only God knows what I feel. Why am I angry? Well let's recap the events that have happened in the past 2 years.

We had a fight and you broke my wrist. I asked you to leave my premises, you took the kids with you and disappeared with them to your aunt's place. But what did you tell them, you said I shooed all of you away, when you knew in your right mind that I only asked you to get out of my house. Yes, my house - have you know shame that for 6 years marriage you cant even provide a proper home for me - you had to rely on me to provide you with shelter? You can argue to say it belonged to my parents, but my dad rewarded me the house, he did not reward it to you. So in sense, it is my house and even my siblings who come to stay have to respect it as my house. So you kept telling yourself that your actions were right. Take the children away from me and stuff them up in a small flat rather than live in my 2 storey terrace. Take away all the comfort from them. You yourself grew up in luxury, you had the heart to take them out of luxury to serve your own selfish purpose, so that you don't feel so wrong.When you were wrong all along.

And now you want to harass me with your petty SMSes and the frequent stalking.
Do you think I'm completely oblivious to what you are trying to do? If you actually know me after 10 year of a relationship, you know I will not back down.

I have told you clearly that whatever you want to discuss, you got through your lawyer to talk to my lawyer and they will relay the request to me. Otherwise you will continually be ignored. There is no reason for me to listen to you or trust you what-so-ever. Even a court order you dare not follow, what ever more promises from lips.

I know why you are harassing me. Its not really because of the kids. Its more of selfish intent. You refuse to use your lawyer because you cannot pay him. You need money because you want to marry your girlfriend. Recession is bad now, so likely your dad's not going to have many projects to do, thus goes your emergency fund. You are tired with the custody fight - but it was you who started it by not letting me have my right. I gave you the option a year ago. Let me hold custody, and I will allow you complete access to your children. But no, you had to contest and now here we are, no longer friends, not talking to each other and our kids suffer.

Even with Aina by your side, you tire, because she is always there. You have no privacy, you need to tend to her needs, when you work you can give excuse to give her to your aunt but during you holidays, she's constantly with you. Plus with all the money problems, your aunt will not be quite happy of you sending her Aina and not pay for it - after all, as I told you before, it was more about the money to her. Easy money and you are forever indebt to her until she dies.

So you blame me, you say I am inhumane. You say to Aina I don't care about her. But the real reason is because she has worn you out bad. You are, in design, a man. No matter how much you try to play my role, God did not equipt you with that patience, thus you become miserable. Because you always feel tied down to her. That's why you are willing to give her back to me for a week and continue as before. But you see, that was just because you did not obey the court order that the temporary custody was in my hands. It was the judge's good will instead of slamming you into jail. It was never a court order because my side did not agree upon it.

This will be the last entry in this blog concerning you because you are no longer an important person in my life. I think I have found my soulmate, somebody that I know I love more than you, and perhaps more than anyone else in the world.

Life must go on. Go on with yours. As for the custody issue. My solution is very simple. Resign your lawyer, give me full custody. And then we will discuss your visitation rights to the benefit of both parties. Why involve any third parties. The children are ours, and ours alone. Your aunt did not contribute any DNA into their making.

Whatever your decision ----> PLEASE TALK TO MY LAWYER.