Sunday, June 21, 2009

Weekend with my babies...

Another weekend with my darlings although I have to admit, of late I have been very busy with appointments and clients and therefore, the time with my two angels were quite limited.

After a nice morning latte at Illy's (Yes, I believe I am getting addicted to the place), I raced home to get my babies. We went to my bestfriend's house where I became somewhat of a naked chef, whipping up buffalo wings and lasagna. Whilst everything was burning in the oven, I had to take my babies swimming downstairs. After swimming was the long awaited dinner, discussion for work and then my babies were already tired, so it was time to go home. Sent Aina back to her father, Nabilah sleeping softy and soundly at the back of my car.

There was something more I wanted to write but I guess the short swimming work-out has tired my brain as well. Oh well, there is always tomorrow.

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