Saturday, June 6, 2009

Cats now kits... omg, sometimes I wonder why I torture myself....

A weird but ironic fact about myself, despite many people believing that I am self-absorbed, I do have an extreme soft spots for pets. Sometimes I question myself why do I bother but there is always that small voice inside of me that keep saying that its God's creatures, and if they come to you, means that you are entrusted with them and that every God's creature deserve to be treated with kindness.
So when two cute little kittens came dashing into my house one sunny day a year ago, despite the fact that I am very particular about hygiene, I didn't have the heart to turn them out, so this is where they have stayed for the past few months. Coming in and out as much as they wanted. I even took the liberty of taking them to the vet, getting them vaccinated, paid for the vet services, got them good food and kept them clean (or rather my maid did, thank goodness). Even when one of them went missing I was devastated. She came back later, pregnant and recently delivered a litter of kits, 5 to be exact. OMG. And I spent RM 700 on vet fees because she was sick, flea infested and trying to be a young mum at the same time. And now I have two big cats demanding my attention, and 5 small ones that have started to recognize my scent. As if my hectic schedule and my two kids were not enough to keep me occupied, I had to acquire cats.
But I completely do not have the heart to throw them out. My weakness perhaps. Oh well.. so worried about them since I'll be going to Singapore tomorrow.

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