Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Recession is eminent..

I have been telling my friends that this year, we should be wary about our finances as according to history, it would be the turn of another economic recession, the 12 year cycle. Despite having an excellent bull market in the initial part of the year, it started to come down and costs of things started to rise up.
It started out with world oil price increase, which our PM happily jumped increased up to 40% which sent a chain of inflation throughout the country to the extent that even chicken cost almost RM 15 a bird. And then there was the rice shortage scare which drove rice price to go up more. I guess if things get any worst, I would be reduced to having bread and cheese on a daily basis. Then came the festive season, which made all prices shot up due to increased demand.
The opening of this week witnessed the US market drop which led to other markets in the world experiencing a sharp decline too. Despite efforts to cushion the effect, most markets still toil downwards, and it will take time for it to recover. Looking back in local grounds, the KLCI index drops again, and there is just too much property on the market. It would be a great time for property tycoons to bargain for good property as there is lack of demand but a need to sell.
I am but a small speck in the whole economic system. Do I worry? Heck, constantly. Especially with the sudden shift of career which is happening in a couple of days, I would to secure more than just a few months savings to survive. But its a vicious cycle. If i stay in my old job, I would just have enough to survive the month and perhaps a bit more, but at least its a secured income. If I pursue my new career, there are many avenues of opportunities to explore which would land me a 5 digit salary by the end of next year if I play my cards right. However, there is a risk of it going the other way due to the recession going about.
Complicated as it seems, I hope I pull through. Besides, since when do I shy from a challenge? I normally would get whatever I want as long as most of the probabilities are within control. The trick is to be happy and keep a poker face, whilst at the same time work bits and bits together.

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