Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Happy Birthday to me.......

Its my birthday again. The most exciting day of my life because few years ago I made the treacherous journey from the womb through the birth canal into the hands of the nurse with my father fainted on the floor in a small rural clinic in Miri. I cried as I came out, a healthy bouncy baby girl weighing about 6 pounds.
Years passed and I blossomed into quite a charming young lady, though a bit on the wild side, but still respectable. I believe that a birthday is the most significant and important day of any person's life because it was the day you first breathed in the world. It should be memorable, it should be significant. And perhaps that is why I get extremely annoyed if people significant to me forget my birthday. The thought is what counts.
Still, just for fun, I'll just list my birthday wish list for this year:
1. Chanel perfume - Allure or Chance (Thanks Farah for Allure)
2. Loccitane range
3. A new handbag
4. Surprise burfday party - (Thanks Mr Wan - although not a surprise anymore)
5. Chocolate cake
6. Patchi chocolates.
7. Fragrance, perfume, EDT <--- yeah I'm into perfumes this year.
8. A mac book - (be-earlied birthday present)
9. A huge cat cage for my cats
10. Spore original game - thank you bro but perhaps after my exam.
11. A new job - working on it
12. Blood red roses.
13. WII
14. Nokia N82
15. A new wallet - ideally one with a lot of card holders and syilling pouch.
16. Kittens
17. Green tea ice cream.
18. A new boyfriend that loves me for the unique person I am.

Okie, perhaps the last one is a bit too much to ask for.
Well usually I celebrate a whole month of my birthday.
Wonder how many gifts I'd get this year.
I'd be happy if people just wish me a happy birthday :).
Happy birthday to me.

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