Thursday, August 20, 2009

To be or not to be...... that is the real question....

I know that I am a very unique person because its pretty hard to find one just like me. Perhaps that is why I keep meeting the strangest of people, and the weirdest part is, a lot of people will confide in me in all sorts of things.

But what about when its my turn to have someone to listen to me. To whom do I confide in? I don't trust other people as much. My greatest fears and my biggest problems are not somethings that are easily discussed about by me. It would take awhile, that is if the person is really interested to listen. Even a slight remark would immediately disperse all my tears or mellowness and the great giant wall is back up. Maybe that's why I look like such a strong lady. In school some boys use to call me the iron maiden. Towards the end, Maroqx stayed on for many many years. I guess they were not entirely wrong.

Growing through the years, I guess a few parts of me have changed completely. I don't tolerate nonsense as much as I use too. I prefer straight answers instead of beating around the bush, and I have little patience for people who do not respect my time. I have greater intuition, and my instincts are usually more often right than wrong.

Not many people around me actually know who I am. Even my family don't know me well enough. I guess I've stopped explaining myself because I realized people are not interested to know. So instead I react to people the way they want me to react, I mirror their good behaviour and thus everybody feels at ease around me. I am after all a 'mirror'. To my benefit and theirs.

With all the crisis going on in my life, which has appeared to slowly settle in, I start asking myself about my priorities. Where do I see myself in 5 years down the line. Who will I be with and is it how I want my life to be? Will i still have the strength to work hard and be as stubborn as I am to achieve the success that I want?

Well I guess I would just have to see.. God will guide me definitely.

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