Friday, August 21, 2009

Its fasting month again.....

Its fasting month again... the best part of the year. I love Ramadhan, a short month filled with all sorts of activities. Yeah, perhaps some say that the fasting is tiring, but its actually good for health. You are giving your bowels a nice 10-12 hour rest from food, which is good. Just have to remember to break fast slowly, not down everything in a minute.

It also teaches patience, and make us remember that there are other people in this world who are less fortunate than us who are given 3 square meals a day. Actually, I have been fasting a lot in the past few months, partly previous obligations, but mostly because I was trying to save up enough so that my little girl gets her milk and proper nutrition. I was unsure of my next pay cheque, and I only took enough to get by. Oh well, things would be much better, no doubt.

Another reason I love Ramadhan is that the souls of the dearly departed are given rest from whatever banes them throughout the year. Its almost 10 years since my mum passed away, and I look forward to Ramadhan as I know she will not be suffering as much. May God bless her soul. I miss her entirely.

Yesterday I was suppose to go for Terawih, but my best friend delivered and so I was at the hospital accompanying her until quite late. She delivered a beautiful baby boy via C-section due to prolonged first stage. Kayson, my new god son. I have 2 now. Dean and Kayson. Modern names.

Do I wish for a boy? Definitely. No offense to my two beautiful girls, but being brought up in a family full of girls, well a boy would strike a difference, and I guess I am up to any change at this point of my life. I've always wanted a boy, but for reasons that God and I know, I prayed for girls previously which was why I ended up with 2 girls.

But in order to have a son, I'd have to remarry. I guess that is the most difficult part. I'm highly selective, I know that. There are many criterias that I require in a guy, and sometimes you just can't get it all, but you could try to get as many. It will also determine traits in my future offsprings, so I have to choose wisely. For most of the part, the guy has to be highly intelligent and cultured. Ideally a gentleman, honest and taller than me (children height predominantly follows father side of family, IQ mum), somebody who plans ahead and responsible, and most important, someone who believes in God and understands religion. Financially stable to provide for the family and of course able to love and understand me (if not all but some parts). Its not easy living with a guy who doesn't understand you and assumes you are something that you are not - 10 years experience is enough.

Another thing I would look like is how this guy treats his mum, because I believe that that is how my son will treat me. See how picky I am? Unfortunately, sometimes the person we select, does not think that you are suitable enough, or perhaps overshadowed by you? I guess most guys would feel intimidated by me, why shouldn't they? I only need them for emotional support and reproductive purposes. Otherwise I'm already happy as what I am now - except the wanting a son part. If only sperm donor services were not contrary to religious beliefs... haha. Okie time for work....

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