Monday, August 10, 2009

If I was a Super Hero.....

It is funny sometimes how a lot of things can happen to you at almost the same time you feel like God is really trying to give you a hard time. But despite all the hurdles, at the end of it, you then realize that everything that happened was suppose to happen that way, and there is always a lesson to be learnt.

I truly believe that. Although, I do realize that I may be one of the most emotionally driven person on the planet. Which made me think, if I was a super hero I guess my power would be my emotions and psychic ability. A funny thing about me is that when my emotions are stabilized, everything else in my life comes into place like almost automatically. If I am happy, I attract a lot of good things into my life like good people, wealth and opportunities. It has come to the point that even my business partners notice this trend of productivity. Months that I am happy, my sales would go up and the months that I'm sad, the sales would go down. So the key is to keep me happy. I'm actually quite a simple person to please. Where as, if I was in a bad mood even scheduled appointments would cancel themselves. So I have a golden rule of always entering my clinic with a smile. If I cry it would rain cats and dogs, or is it the other way round? I don't know, but I do notice when I am so sad to tears, after awhile it would start raining. Don't ask me why, its always been like that, I have yet to find a scientific explanation for it.

In terms of psychicness, it is difficult to explain how. It does not work on everybody but it works so well on some people. Like a good friend of mine for many years, for some funny reason I seem to have a psychic link to him that I would always know when he is around. I couldn't pin point exact location, but everytime he enters KL, I would have a sudden urge to call or sms him. Funny ain't it? Parking spots are like magic tricks. Given a normal circumstance where I am not emotionally burdened by some crisis, there will always be one spot waiting for me near wherever destination I want to go all the time. Convenient? Definitely. There are other strong intuitions that I get such as guessing baby genders in utero - usually 80% correct, reading personalities on first encounter and other stuff. At times I have premonitions through dreams which are so vivid and real that it causes me wake up. Whatever it is, I regard it as a gift from God. A third eye perhaps, but I shouldn't abuse it. I wouldn't even know how... its a natural instinct.

Its a hectic week with a million things to do, and a lot of things to write. Overall, I think I am happy because I have direction to where I want to go and what I need to do next. I think I have almost achieved a certain balance I want in my life and being a pure Libra by trait, having the last part of myself guided, I know I'll be okay.

Time to jump out of bed already...

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