Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday afternoon...

Its the weekend and again it was my turn to care for both kids. I had been off for 2 weekends in a row since I attended conference earlier and because their daddy begged to bring them back to Kedah the earlier weekend.
Having Nabilah with me is a complete blessing. She is definitely my little sunshine that makes me smile in the morning and shed a tear at night for being so amiable. I guess despite the war waging between me and my ex throughout her pregnancy, God was fair enough to give me Nabilah to reconcile my heart. I guess if I only had one child, with all the hoo haa going about, I would have just left her with her father, ignored them and become a more of an ice queen woman than I already am. At least now I put motherhood first, career second - just for my little baby.
Don't get me wrong, its not that I don't love Aina. I love my children with all my heart. Even if I meet the perfect guy for me, but he cannot accept my kids, I would turn him down without giving it a second thought. They are a part of me. But Aina has always been more to the father's side, and secretly I know she feels obliged to stay with her father because I left him. I understand it well enough, but its another 2 years before she has aright to choose which parent she would rather follow. So for now she would be with her dad. Lets hope he takes good care of her.
The heat is tremendous nowadays and even I am starting to suffer. My sinuses are inflamed, my migraine active without a natural cure and I can't seem to wear anything much except shorts, spags and a towel. Plus, my air con's busted so i need to get it repaired pronto. Even my cat sleeps on the tile floor in contrast to looking for a nice rug or towel to curl up in. And I caught him snuggling in my silk duvet once, so no more of that. Its already monday and its another hectic day. Few appointments, few cheques to sign, and another hectic week. Oh well, c'est la vie...

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