Tuesday, May 12, 2009

If you're happy and you know it......

Have you ever wondered about the song, if you're happy and you know it clap your hands? Singing the nursery song to my toddler makes me wonder sometimes, why does it mention 'if you're happy and you know it'? Do happy people sometimes do not realize that they are happy? Or maybe people are just unsure of their feelings that they need a conviction? Well either way, the song does have a point, if you are happy you should show it.
Am I happy? Well when I look it from a perspective, yes I am happy. Although I had to dissolve a marriage, and separate my kids, but with faith that God will always be there for me, I believe I have found peace with myself, I'm taking control of my life, doing things that I want, being who I want to be, rather than slink in the shadows and having to portray a me that only exists in the mind of my ex-spouse. I enjoy being a mum, which comes first before my work, and I love my job and my new office. I have my family finally giving full support to me, and dear friends who make me believe I can achieve anything.
Despite a few failed relationships, a few rejections and some guys telling me than I am only destined to be with one man for the rest of my life (which I happily threw out the window), I believe that God knows what's best for me, so if I'm suppose to live my life single till the day I die, so be it. No longer do I have the fear of growing old alone, falling sick alone and dying alone. God is with me always, I have nothing to fear.
As for now my focus is on the things I have longed to do for the past few years. God's given me a second chance, I should take it. The road may be difficult but at least I know I gave it my best shot. So I guess I am happy, and I know it... clap your hands.

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