Saturday, November 1, 2008

Hectic weekend......

I'm now officially self-employed and I am completely happy about it. It has been a hectic 3 weeks leave to establish myself and prepare for the unknown world. The whole week was full of meetings meetings and more meetings, social functions and head splitting studying in wee hours of the morning. Not to mention my 2 babies came down with chicken pox and 2 weekends in a row traveling east to visit Misha. This weekend is a bit different as I am involved in ABIM retreat.
Yes, ABIM - I am actually a long standing member of the organization, the Health Bureau to be exact. I have been an invisible member since 2005, even some of my closest friends didn't realize how involved I was with the organization. For this year I was given the responsibility as AJK, which is quite cool. Funny previously I have evaded every single post they suggested, but for now I would love to be more involved.
Woops.. running late.. Gotta go.


saiful said...

tahniah atas menjadi ajk biro kesihatan

Manja M said...

Thanks for electing...