Friday, November 14, 2008

TOday is a stressful day again.....

I took leave from work today due to the many responsibilities of the coming family day and the stress handling my clinic. It was a good day in fact and I was at liberty to pamper myself with a 2 hour massage and spa treatment session that was fantastic.
The day was planned out and I was suppose to go out with the girls for a karaoke session. But alas, something unexpected happened. While on my way to send my sister in Shah Alam, it was raining and there were many cars. The car in front of me braked suddenly, and I sort of hit on the brakes too hard, and my car skidded 2 metres ahead and hit the car's rear on the left side. My right light shattered into a million pieces, the bulb still intact. And my bumper looked as if it could fall off anytime. Thank god everyone was okay.
The car in front of me suffered a scraping of paint and slight dent because the bumper was pushed in. However, the driver and the passengers were negroes, which sort of made my life harder. First of all, they thought I was chinese. I get extremely upset whenever people think I'm chinese. I am not as fair as a chinese, nor is my eyes extremely slanted, or any typical chinese features. But for some funny reason I normally get mistaken as a chinese. So on top of my distress of banging into someone's car and wrecking my own, I felt upset because he asked whether I was chinese. To me, race is not an issue, so why bother ask?
I didn't want to go and make a police report because the car owner is abroad and it would complicate matters, so I asked them to pay. Problem was, there was this idiotic mechanic who happened to be there and told them that his estimate is RM 1K. 1 K for paint scraping. I was pissed. So I said I'll pay the next day at the mechanic. BUt then they didn't believe me, I gave them my card, they didn't believe me, they asked for my IC and wanted to see it. Of course it blew me to the top. I have never felt so insulted in my whole life.
So i am pissed and tomorrow i have to settle my car. And i feel likew i'm going to be sick with something....

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