Saturday, March 27, 2010

One Malaysia and Women Rights......

Although some may believe I'm one of those people who do not give a damn about the country, because I seem to be so aloof when it comes to the matter of politics and such, I do believe in working towards getting a more ideal community. Hence, yesterday, I found myself amidst very powerful women in our society i.e. the One Malaysia Women Forum. How I got myself involved in this was a mere accident, but it was fruitful and as a person of faith, I believed that there was good reason for me to be there. Perhaps God was reminding me of my direction, where I want to be, who I want to be.

The most interesting part was during the group discussions, where I joined in the professional group of ladies. Our assignment was to answer questions regarding the forum which revolves around One Malaysia and women rights. It was a very interesting session where I got to meet with few ladies that I personally admire. What I liked most was Dato' Sharifah's (South Pole Exp) explanation on education - We not only need to educate ourselves as women, but we also need to educate men on respecting women and their rights. Thumbs up to you. Men too need to be educated on how to treat a women, and understanding what gender equality means. I was given the opportunity to explain about strengthening and implementation of women laws. The key point was educating women and the society about what are women rights and laws governing, because you would not realize that your rights have been breach if you do not understand or know about them. At the end, we listened to the First Lady's ending speech - impromtu and the take home message was really good. First was about we are all Malaysians, born, brought up and fed on the same soil, so there should not be any racial discrimination. Secondly, women should work together and not stab each others back. Thirdly, the One Malaysia concept is an easy idea to open up platforms for discussions towards a better nation. Afterwards, my friend snapped a nice picture with the First Lady and I shook her hand. Overall, I actually felt a sense of satisfaction to be given a chance to contribute to the society by participating and voicing the ideas. The only setback was the slight over-exposure of myself, which I believe is a bit premature at this stage.

There are so many ways I can contribute to the society through these sort of platforms. I am a thinker and a doer, so I know when I devise a plan, I will follow through. The only setback at the moment is the current dilemma on the funding of my clinic, which I have reduced to a minimum. Once that issue is settled, then I can focus on bigger things and helping the society. I have been frustrated by too many business men promising to help but bail out last minute. I am a professional business woman, why waste my time if you have no interest to help? One of the worst thing to give another human being is false hope. It is better to be honest and say straight front that you are not willing to help on what basis. I respect one businessman that I approached earlier who told me straight front that he is not keen to invest because it wasn't his line and he was not familiar with my nature of business. To me, there was no hard feelings because he was honest to his opinion and I have to respect that. God gives us wealth and rezeki, and once he puts in into our hands, it is up to us to use it wisely. We shouldn't be angry at people who refuse to help us in our dire moment of need because that is his right, the wealth belongs to him. It is not ours. However, if a person promises to help but then doesn't at the 11th hour, well we do have reason to be angry because he wasted our time by giving us false hope. I have come across a lot of people who promise to help out, when they themselves are incapable. There is an old Malay saying - 'Ukur baju pada badan sendiri" , which means you should measure your clothes with your own body, i.e. do not take onto yourself responsibilities that you already know you are incapable of doing. Although the lesson is bitter, but I know what God wants me to do. If I am capable to do this on my own I will, if not God will help by sending someone to help me out. Insya Allah.

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