Saturday, March 27, 2010

Between love, faith and perceptions......

I believe that I am actually a simpleton despite the many complicated issues surrounding my life. My needs are simple, my wants are complicated. But hey, I'm just human aren't I. Its a nice Sunday afternoon and I actually crave to laze around on my bed, yet due to circumstances, I have chosen to work instead. Workaholic perhaps, but at least I feed my own mouth and I depend mainly on myself.

Recently I have been in contact with a lot of people with a lot of views pertaining to religion and politics. Each person had their argument to the matter, each person believed their argument was true and should be accepted as the right idea. I'm a very simple person. Everyone is free to have their own idea and perceptions depending on how they perceive it. As for matters of faith, I personally believe faith is a personal thing. It cannot be forced onto a person, it can be taught but acceptance and perception of faith will be based on each and every individual. Religion is a guideline to faith. At the end of the day, religion is to guide us to serve our one true God, acknowledge his disciples and teachings, and ensure that we become good human beings, who can live with each other on Earth with harmony. But then, I will not go on about faith lest would be regarded as a blashphemous individual. I have my own ideas and perception of faith, which I do not impose on other people, which does not run away from the accepted teachings of religion. It is how I understand how our relationship with God should be.

Speaking of relationships, I recently expressed to my family my intentions to remain single for the time being despite being 4 years alone. They were really open to the idea. My father insisted that I shouldn't remarry at all and just concentrate with my business, my studies and my girls. My sister loves the idea of me being carefree as what I am now.

Its not that I'm frustrated with men, although some believe I'm a man-hater. Its just that sometimes I feel like I'm attracting the wrong crowd of men, whom to me, is more interested in getting me to sleep with them than getting to know who I am, or caring for me. I can say that at least one different guy a week would say 'I love you' to me. Can anyone blame me for being skeptical? My usual argument would be, well you barely know me, how can you love me? Like what we say in Malaysia, 'Tak kenal maka tak cinta" which means "To not know, is to not love". I have yet to find a man interested enough to know about me that he'd go through all 129 entries I have here just to understand how my brain ticks. A simple gesture that means so much. Oh well, just have to be patient and wait till my heart reopens again.

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