Saturday, March 20, 2010

Between love, lust and just pure boredom.....

I have been pretty active in my social calender for the past few weeks since I decided to be single and stop whatever weird relationships I was having in the past. Frustrated perhaps, but it was more of a move for me to open up my mind to various characters and ideas. Also to regain my dignity from being toyed by men ruthlessly. I am not a sexual object. I am a person and I have more courage than most men I meet, so I deserve to be treated with equal respect.

Most guys I go out with would definitely tell me how attractive I am to them. Yeah, so what if I'm a hot sexy Gucci mama? There are brains, a heart and a soul behind all the outer illusion. You will never get through to me if you just acknowledge the outer appearance. Nothing turns me off more than a guy who treats me like an object. Unfortunately not many women share this idea. Because of the way the men in the society treats a woman, women are readily to accept it as a norm despite it not being the right thing.

Sometimes I feel like launching a nation wide campaign on woman awareness - Treat us like ladies not sluts. Guys nowadays were not like what they use to be. They lack respect for women and they lack tact. Sometimes I wonder why they act this way, perhaps lack of thinking?

How would you feel if another man passes sexual comments about your mother or sister? How would you feel if another man tries to hug and kiss your sister without her consent. By definitions of sexual harassment - passing any comment pertaining to a person's body sexually is considered verbal sexual harassment. Any form of touching with sexual intention is considered harassment.

Recently I rain-checked a get together with one of my pet brothers because he smsed to me saying that he couldn't wait to see me who is so hot and sexy. He got a field day from me that day. He said he was just complimenting me - a lot of guys think that statements like these are compliments whereas they are not. Our teachers never taught us to compliment a lady that way. You should say that the lady is beautiful or pretty, or looks sexy in that outfit - but don't refer to the person as an object. She might take it the wrong way and think that you are just interested in getting into her pants (which definitely we know most of the time men fantasizes so, but whatever is in the mind so be it).

At the end of the day, the question remains - is a relationship made based on love, lust or just boredom? One of my ex had the courage to admit that he liked me and mainly it was lust. Despite his audacious remark, at least he was honest.

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