Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Its almost the end of Ramadhan......

It is almost the end of Ramadhan as we know it. The end of the fasting month and season, and we will move on to Eid Fitri. Since these couple of days, I haven't be able to sleep much. Perhaps the worry surrounding the uncertainty of my Company's situation, or perhaps its the overload of caffeine in my system. Or maybe its just some indigestion. My body is not use to the weird eating hours and food habits that I start consuming since this Ramadhan. Eating at home is a bliss, although the multiple buffet invites do appear appealing at first, but later I end up waking this early due to stomach upset.

Oh yes, I am quite a sensitive being. I'm highly particular to what I eat, and I do have pretty obsessive compulsive behaviour on some degree. The wrong combination of food can bring a few consequences especially this forever indigestion. I guess it runs in the family - IBS. Luckily mine is not as bad as my other siblings.

Another 3 days to go. This year would be the first Raya that I am not celebrating with my kids nor am I on duty in a hospital. I've got my Raya activity planned out well, hopefully I forget how alone I would be on that day. I haven't even prepared any new clothes for the day - well, I could always pick something out of the closet but its funny how my expensive wardrobe seem to have developed feet and disappeared.

So I guess, I would have to go clothes shopping. Besides, after Raya there will many functions to attend formally. Ideally, I should restock my ever dispersing wardrobe (Is it because I have too many sisters or did my previous maids each took a souvenir before they left?). Its a long holiday away from everybody - perhaps a little spring cleaning would help occupy my mind and uncover the missing pieces to my wardrobe.

Ah.. my little pixie is half awake. Lying on my tummy, she made my back her pillow. Her daddy is taking her today, I'm definitely going to miss my little mischievous room mate. 10 days without my babies, God help me.

It is going to be an interesting Raya after all.

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