Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Whatever doesn't kill you will make you stronger....

In the past 1 month, too many things have been happening simultaneously. My friends asks me how I could cope with all the hoo-haa happening, from being stalked by my ex, my maid running off, one of my kid kidnapped by my ex at school, and venturing into a new business at almost the same time. Yeah, I do admit, at times I feel like I need to duplicate myself, but having a couple of dopplegangers is not a solution.
Now its just me and mty little girl. I have noticed a mark improvement in her vocabulary and she's started to toilet train herself, which is good. The only thing is that she is too picky about food to the extent, that I feel like its best I just cook for her everyday and see what she likes rather than eat out. Oh yes, I do have the luxury of doing that despite being ever so busy. The best thing about being self-employed is that your time is highly flexible that you can afford to bend here and there to suit your need at that time. Sometimes she follows me to work, at times I send her to join a play group. Family has been very supportive now and since last year, I have made peace with my step mum, she even offers to babysit my darling whenever she is free. My brother and his wife are darlings, and they would help whenever they are in town. In a way, just handling one child has proven to be a lot easier. Plus the fact I completely do not need a maid anymore. I'm still able to clean up my house and sort my laundry. I just need somewhere to put my girl while I work, and now I do consider starting play school for her because she is so smart. I'm teaching her numbers and alphabets, and nursery rhymes. She appears to be catching up real good.
Business wise its a bit slow because of the recession, but hopefully surviving. The clinic is getting more and more popular and we have designed a lot of new treatments that promises good results. But I know there are too many things for me to learn, and for now I'm focusing on injectable techniques. I just need a little boost of confidence then I'll be okay. The kopitiam is doing okay despite the 101 repairs that we needed to do. Plus all the other liabilities which we will happily deduct from the previous owner. The new menu layout is out and I'm just finalizing the menu content and prices. Renovation works, etc etc...... and plus a lot of lip service because we are still waiting for the financing promised to us. Yeah... its not easy.
As always, I place my fate with God. Be it kids, work, business, or even mate, I know I just have to be patient and the best will come to me.

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