Wednesday, May 12, 2010

You don't know me.......................

This past few months has been an emotional havoc for me. Despite looking so untouched by the surroundings, I feel that I have to let this out of my chest.

I am a highly sociable person. I travel various social circles from doctors, to business people, politicians, entertainment people, royalties, VIPs, internet marketers, gamers, etc. I am highly receptive to people, also very observant and I respect each and every individual. Because of this, I have rules of conduct that I put onto myself. I can be so receptive that most people would admit that sometimes meeting me for the first time feels like meeting an old friend. That is God's gift to me, my empathy. But it doesn't mean I am cheap, it does not mean that I will get down with any Tom, Dick and Harry. I have taste, a very expensive one. I like what I like and if I don't like it, it would be hard to convince me otherwise.

I'm just fed up of people telling me what to do. Don't tell me that I can't do things. If I'm doing it the wrong me then point the direction of where I'm suppose to go. At least I can find my way. To condemn my actions and not provide an alternative solution is the worst thing a person can do. But its okay, people will always try to bring you down. I am prepared to go through all of that. God is always with me and he will help me in the parts that I cannot do myself, I believe it, my friends believe it. A true friend is a person who believes in you and will always keeps their eyes and ears open for ways to help you. They sympathize your troubles, they empathize on your difficulties, and they respect your decisions. They advise you for your benefit and not really for their own, and they are there in the hardest of moments when everyone else is not there. I am that sort of friend to all my friends. How many actually act the same way towards me? How many actually know who I am and my capabilities? Not many I can bet.

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