Monday, December 14, 2009

Its almost the new year.........

This coming Friday will be the New Year for the Islamic calender. In another 2 weeks, is the new year according to the Gregorian calender. Time flies so fast when you are facing a lot of things at the same time. But I believe the worst is almost over. God is guiding me to be very patient with what transpired in the past year.

A lot of new things occurred in this past year. A lot of drama and obstacles that I had to go through. But looking back, I believe that everything that happened, happened for a reason - which was to make me grow wiser, stronger and more confident with myself.

I made new friends, I found love, I lost friends, I lost love. Perhaps this was the most difficult part of the year that I had to come to terms with. Silently, I sometimes still cry out of loneliness. I am after all just human. The issues with work, well, although stressful and in dire need of a solution, I face it with a more positive outlook. I have worked my hardest in the past 3 months, and I have faith that God will help me figure things out.

It is almost the new year, it is time to review my resolutions and plan for new ones. Hopefully I did achieve most of the things I set out to do this year. I wonder what's installed for me next year?

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