Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Its a coming of Another New Year........... 2013 recap

It has been ages since I've written on this blog. In a span of 2 years, so many things have changed. I have changed, people around me have changed. My girls are so big now. Aina is practically a young lady. Bella is fighting with hyperactive disorder secondary to attention deficit but she is still able to learn. This coming year, I will need to intervene more, unfortunately the father does not understand thus a lot of my efforts come undone whenever she goes to the other side. Still, persistence is one of my virtues so I target latest by June she'll be able to read properly.

So How was 2013?

1. Business - Its steady. Nothing much to shout about except the new expansion project which is a secret until it happens. I have a good team now who work hard with me to make the Clinic a success. I am looking for another member, for marketing since my manager is going nuts with all the workload. Already found another name for a new blog project and going to start them next year hopefully.

2. Health - I had a health scare earlier the year due to adrenal fatigue. Initially thought it was one of those autoimmune diseases or thyroid issues but turned out more of stress related adrenal fatigue. Much better now, appreciate my sleep better.

3. Family - My brother went for Haj. My elder sister had a stroke, Ija had a baby last year. Nana's gone off to UK, and Beth graduated recently in Tasmania and will start working there. Dad is nicer to me this year, but age has really taken quite a toll on his past active lifestyle. Lumbar pain radiating to his ride side due to likely a prolapsed disc or just spondylosis causing him to have pain one walking too long. But still, he travels all over the place like nobody's business. Strong willed man he is, I guess that's where I got my trait. Waiting for him to find time to come in to my clinic and try out some of my therapeutic procedures. (Yes, I do treat medical problems but you need to ask). He still tells friends I'm not a doctor anymore, Hmmm.

4. Friends - Kept some, lost some and made better ones. Overall I try to be nice to everyone.

5. Love Life - Ahaaaa.... this is what most people are curious about. I fell in love with a man whom I've known for quite a long time. We were pretty much soul mates - his presence was really felt, to the point that I can actually narrow down his location if he is within my vicinity. It spooked him at times, sometimes he'd accuse me of stalking him but if its an instinct how could it be stalking. I felt it when he was sick, in pain or unhappy. We lived in 2 different cities at that point. My kids loved him for his gentle manner and his family liked me I guess (Spending time with his family was fun). It seemed perfect until he went into his man cave and didn't come out. He shut me out for more than 2 years. It hurt bad, because I can still feel his presence. Ironically we now live in the same city but even more further apart. So finally last Muharram I decided to call my peace - I'm letting go. I leave my heart to God. God will give me a better person. I am after all the Queen of Drama, it would take a lot in a man to cope with me and how the universe arounds me evolves. To this special guy, I pray you find your happiness and a woman to love and care for you as I would have. I pray you settle down soon and have the whole battalion of children we use to joke about. I could not afford to give you 8, I'm not a house trained woman - we both know that. I am not hitting the brakes for my career and I feel that you can't cope with that. Too bad, because we would have made a whole lot of difference together. (BTW, I did scout for the island we wanted - its still pretty much affordable plus it comes with sailboat :) ).

6. Studies - Yes, I am still geared up to continue studies. The first hurdle though is to make the clinic run without me. I've calculated 4 different papers to sit for plus the few study designs I'm interested to do. Let's see how next year roles.

7. Mia Familia - Aina, Bella and our 2 furry members Goldie and Striqey. I need a maid and a driver. My schedule is getting too crazy atm.

Okie.... that's a wrap for 2013. Writing down 2014 resolutions in a couple of days.

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