Monday, January 10, 2011

My Blog.... Where do I see it Going?

I love blogging. Its a good way to get thoughts sorted out and express your creativity and ideas. I haven't had much time to blog minus the marketing blogs and health blogs I have to do for the business. This blog has been around for the past 2 years since Friendster made my Friendster blog disappear and completely made me lose any interest in using that social network. I had 183 entries in Friendster which was lost and I was really hurt. But mistakes do happen and I am not saying that Friendster is inefficient in its handling, its just that I've been smitten, so I decided to go onto blogger instead. So far so good, still happy.

Blogging has helped me release a lot of the implosive anger that surrounded me over the years pertaining to my relationships, my marriage, my divorce, the 2 year custody spat, the constant stress to provide for offsprings, the constant struggle to find myself and be sure of who I am.

After 12 years of trying hard to make a mark on this world - at 30 I believe I may have achieved just that. I know exactly who I am, what I want, who my loved ones are, who my friends are and what I am capable of doing. Its never been so crystal clear. Lets hope the focus stays.

Being a single mum in a community where single mum's are usually regarded as the lesser woman by elders and the society, I do find it frustrating and annoying at first, but honestly I don't care anymore. I am happier single. I have my 2 beautiful daughters whom I am so blessed to have, and I work hard to be a better mum and a better person everyday. I'm taking my time to think about getting into another companionship and I feel good about it. I am definitely not desperate for a guy. 3 years of being alone has taught me to survive well, and I love my life.

I find that I have come a long way from that woman who is always seeking for validation and acknowledgment of who she is, to a woman who knows who she is regardless no one else does and wouldn't care 2 cents if anyone was to tell her otherwise. I have no obligations to follow anyone but myself, its so nice to be able to say No to the things you don't feel like doing.

This year my focus would be on my business and on women issues. Since my business already has a blog, I was thinking of directing this one towards women issues. I already have a few ideas on what to write that may help other women overcome their worries. We'll see.

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