Friday, August 27, 2010

A New Lesson in Life.........

It has been such a hectic month. So many new things have popped into my life which makes it more frenzy than it usual (which most people already think its a handful)... Opportunities, opportunities... and opportunities...... yes, every new thing in life is an opportunity. That is how I perceive the world. Its been a hard year struggle but eventually there is some light at the end of the tunnel....

This month, my patience is tested to the maximum..... I have been in scenarios like this before and usually when things come hailing down on me.. it usually means that God is trying to teach me something... there was a lesson of patience, a lesson of independence, a lesson of change... and after pondering for weeks what is actually the problem with my life... I guess the lesson to be learnt is to be careful whom you trust, and that I don't have to be too nice to everybody... only to the people who are important in my life and involved in making sure I'm okay at all times.

Even some of my friends I start to question whether do they actually regard me as a friend the way I regard them? Maybe my ideation of friendship is such a high concept that most people can't comprehend. Oh well.. time to pack my stuff........

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