Saturday, July 18, 2009

A glimpse of the future....

I am a pure believer that everyone God makes us meet has a significant role in our lives. Be it small or big, be it just as a medium to get to know other people. Everybody we meet will influence some aspect of our lives.

So last weekend I met the most extra ordinary woman. Beautiful, intelligent, powerful, and definitely unique with her own style. Living in LA, we actually have so much in common, except I was a generation junior than she was. But despite her chronological age, people would think we were almost the same age by the way she looked, the way she took care of herself. She had similar ideas that I had, and the wavelength of our thoughts were comparable. It was looking at myself in 10 years to come. In a way it was really scary but enlightening.

I had been really down for the past couple of weeks. There were just a lot of things going about, and I guess I just needed a friend to talk to and distract my overly stressed up head. But funny all my current friends were either too busy, out of town or perhaps just avoiding me. Its okay, I told myself. And perhaps that is why God sent me my new friend to cheer me up and to make me believe that my future would be a bright one if I believed and kept confident with whatever I did.

I feel really sad that she had to go, I felt that there was a lot that I could learn from her, as she seem to understand the inner dilemmas of life that I had. But I knew that it wouldn't work that way. At least there is someone out there just like me. Just wondering when I'll meet the someone just for me.

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