Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sometimes I wonder......

Sometimes I wonder,

What is it that you are searching for,

Am I not good enough,

That you choose to ignore,

Does all the riches in the world mean so much to you,

Than having me by your side loving you?

Money, power and wealth will definitely come,

But if you have all and is alone would it be fun?

Life is too short to be wasted away,

Is your ego too big to even ask me to stay?

Perhaps its not me that you dream in your sleep at night,

The silent spell you cast makes it seem right.

Although I am superwoman,

I will never be a man,

The silence you pledge is not one that I can understand,

To the point I'd rather hear you utter harsh words,

Or whatever method so that you can be heard,

But you chose the silence that cuts through worst than any knife,

Might as well you take my life,

Because have you ever stop to think that the silence has an ability to kill,

The strong love we had, that I crave still.

Perhaps what I want and what you want are two different things,

And perhaps we do not even share the same feelings,

But how on earth will I ever know,

If keeping quiet is what you show.

Would you be selfish enough to lead me on,

And at the end of the day, move on.

With tears in my eyes I pray that it is not true,

For happiness is what I feel when loving you,

Except for the silence, everything else is in place,

Such wonderful love all gone to waste,

But seriously darling, would you submit to your ego,

Of keeping quiet until I choose to go,

If I chose that road, there will be no return,

No regrets, no shame, and love all burnt.

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