Thursday, January 7, 2010


There are many instances when I ask God about love. Why am I such a fool for love?, I sigh, trudging my way through the earth. Since I decided to make God as my first true love, I must admit, I feel a lot more calmer. I have less fear towards the hardships of life, I prayed as hard as I worked. It felt so natural, the balance that I craved so much for so long. Perhaps, I have already achieved it? No, I think my journey is just beginning.

I thought I found love end of last year. It was exciting, new, controversial but with a lot of issues. And after a long thought, it wasn't worth it. Heck, I forget I am not the same girl I was 10 years ago. At my current situation, I have to be very selective letting guys near me. After all, it is very difficult to find a decent man nowadays.

So one fine night, I woke up at around 4 am as usual. I forgotten my Isya', so I got up to pray. After finishing prayer, I asked God, when will I find true love, and then my gaze fell onto the bed. Lying on the bed was my little angel sleeping soundly, crawled up next to my pillow. She looked so peaceful lying there. I then realized, love was there all along - there lying next to me. My little angel that can always make me smile even in the worst of scenarios.

I promised her I'd come home early. Hopefully today I could. Amen.

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