Thursday, September 25, 2008

Its almost Raya...

Its almost raya but I'm not in my top notch of health of late. My sinuses suddenly decided to flare up and I'm constantly hacking away due to the post nasal dripping which has caused my throat to be so inflamed. Worst thing was because I was fasting, so during the day, I couldn't take anything to soothe my throat. While at night I cough so much due to the chill that at times I feel like I'm wheezing. Its been 3 days - 3 days without any proper sleep. Luckily my mind can still function well despite lack of rest. To top on things, my tummy is causing trouble today and I've been purging since morning. Perhaps it was something I ate at the buffet yesterday, perhaps its just due to lack of sleep, perhaps its IBS. To tired to bother. Tried to sleep at work but accidentally choked on the PND causing me to have paroxysms of cough.
So ultimately I feel miserable. Just miss sleep so much already.

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